Webinars - Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy
Join a series of four thematic webinars across March and April, organized by the BBI JU funded projects LIFT, UrBioFuture, CELEBIO, in collaboration with BIOVOICES, Biobridges and the European Bioeconomy Network, to provide recommendations and Actionable Knowledge for quadruple helix stakeholders.

The thematic webinars will take place every Wednesday from the 25 of March 2020 and are expected to stimulate the discussion toward the BBI JU Info day (22 April 2020 https://www.bbi-europe.eu/events/bbi-ju-info-day-2020), though the following questions:
• What are the challenges to be addressed for the creation of an innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy?
• What are the main results of the Coordination and Support Actions funded in the last years?
• What gaps should be bridged?
• What are the recommendations?
The webinars will deliver the main results stemming from assessing more than 60 EU-funded projects, scouting more than 250 project documents, interviewing some 40 project coordinators and running four workshops involving 38 projects during the BBI JU Stakeholder Forum.
How to participate? You can participate to a single webinar, based on your specific interest or to all of them. Please let us know, registering HERE.
The participants will be able to contribute to the discussion? Sure! We encourage this! The participants will be able to contribute realtime using ICT platforms and tools made available by the organizers. LIFT will integrate the outcomes of this discussion in the final recommendations of the project.